Syria. Difficult question. I am wondering why the Muslim world is not intervening to stop the current regime from killing its own people. I am wondering why so many Christians do not think they need to look out for their neighbour (Love thy neighbour applies to everyone, not just the guy across the fence). Most of all I am wondering why the average lay person does not understand the concept of 'classified information'. We do not have access to all the information those politicians we elected might, those politicians who voted 'yea' or 'nay' based on the information/expert advice they were given.
Yes, Iraq was invaded on a lie--weapons of mass destruction--and we found out after the fact. Apparently that is a better reason to intervene than that people, children, women, sick, poor, old... are being killed. Prevention before something happens as opposed to something already happening.
Do I think we need to send our boys and girls (and dogs) there? No.
I have read both views and on both the religious and political issues at stake. But I don't have all the information the experts do. I am not good at that particular issue and somewhat suspect to me, my emotions say, "No MORE WAR!". My rational, somewhat functioning brain says, "I don't have all the info, this is not my topic of expertise and I could very well be wrong on the course of action required in this particular situation."
However, if my family and friends in a different country were subject/ed to that sort of attack... why, I'd want someone to protect them. There is a difference. So, who's your neighbour? Just those like you of your own religion, race and creed? Or anyone/being needing help?
Can we call ourselves a superpower and not step in to say, "You cannot do this to human beings. I will stop you."?
What to do? What indeed to do?